Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A craft project after my own heart...

I'm a bit of a blog addict. I'm ridiculously interested in other peoples lives and interests (go figure what my major is!).

I stumbled upon the sweetest craft project the other day while reading the lovely Secret Pie Shoppe blog (http://secretpieshoppe.blogspot.com).

It's perfect for me as I'm a bit OCD about symmetry and order (okay - so I'm very ocd!), I like big and grand ideas that often are totally realistic yet never get fulfilled due to my ever expanding issue with ADD, and I like instant gratification.

Yep - how is this not perfect for me? I may change it up from hearts, but this will definitely be happening asap!



Hannah said...

Love it! I am with you on the OCD! :)

Thanks for the book suggestion! What is your fav Jane Austin book?

EtsyFoodSnob said...

For a newbie you have to start with Pride & Prejudice. Until you have loved Mr. Darcy you cannot know what love is!

After that - my personal favorite may be Northanger Abbey. The lil goth kid in me likes the dark and dreary atmosphere mixed with romance :)

Pam said...

I am totally OCD about symmetry too.

I got the care package with the seasonings and marshmallows - thank you! I am looking forward to using them. My kids and husband loved the marshmallows.

EtsyFoodSnob said...

Pam - you are so welcome! I'm a total addict with the marshmallows so I love hearing when others enjoy them as much as I do :)

Looking forward to hear how you like the seasonings!